Cupertino 50 years

Cupertino turned 50 in 2005. We went to the festivities.

Cupertino blev 50 år i 2005. Vi deltog i festlighederne.

Blacksmith demonstrating his craft

Blacksmith hammering hot iron rod

Blacksmith in action

In line for the Whole Foods wheel of fortune

Getting a prize

Spinning the Whole Foods wheel of fortune


Rebecca on Pony at Cupertino 50th anniversary

Rebecca on Pony at Cupertino 50th anniversary

Rebecca on Pony at Cupertino 50th anniversary


Rebecca on Pony at Cupertino 50th anniversary

Rebecca on Pony at Cupertino 50th anniversary

Spiderman obstacle course at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Monica climbing at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Monica crawling at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Rebecca climbing at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Monica sliding at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Rebecca sliding at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Rebecca sliding at the Cupertino 50th Jubilee

Made with JAlbum 6.5
Skin: LotsaThumbs by Oluf Nissen (based on Formal by FriskySoul)